
It is an amine-curable, polyurethane forming two-part cold box binder system, specifically designed for precision sand casting processes. Binder system features good mixed sand bench life, high tensile strength, and hot strength of bonded sand cores, which makes the binder particularly suitable for semi-permanent mould/die casting applications. Binder system can be used with any existing two -part phenolic-isocyanate binder storage/conveyance system and cold box processing equipment, i.e., mixers, core blowers, gassing units.

  • Packaging: Available for bulk tank truck delivery, in 330-gallon tote tanks, 55-gallon steel drums, or smaller containers upon request.


UNIT OF MEASURE Part I 440D Part II 840D
Appearance Light yellow liquid Dark brown liquid
Viscosity** @ 25o C cp (mPa·s) 115 (115) 33 (33)
Density lbs/gal (g/cm3) 9.09 (1.09) 9.41 (1.12)
Flash Point (Seta) o oF(oC) 162 (72) 190 (88)
Free Formaldehyde % <0.1 -
Free Phenol % <5 -